We are also reaping the Phone Number Database benefits of this, in terms of convenience and access to all modern luxuries. But what if you live in a developing country and don't have a reliable online identity? So how do Phone Number Database you reap the benefits? And: what if we ourselves had that power, together? Facebook, Google, Amazon, but also Uber and AirBnB: watch out. Open and Phone Number Database decentralized: Power to the people What could the blockchain mean for the value of our data and the profit from it? And in the same breath with that for our privacy as individuals and for marketing purposes.
Joe Lubin, director of Consensus Systems , says in Phone Number Database Blockchain Revolution that he expects to have access to a decentrally ratified digital identity in the future, of which he himself Phone Number Database operates the privacy links. You decide for yourself what information about yourself you want to share with others, and you have control over the data streams you Phone Number Database generate (and the associated value in euros). The black box of your identity In that scenario, a marketer would have to ask affiliated individuals if he could bombard them with an advertisement.
So, next level permission-based marketing . After these Phone Number Database individuals have decided that that provider may know, for example, that they are highly educated, have earned more than 60,000 euros last year, that their home contents insurance is about to expire and that they live in Phone Number Database the Almelo region. It is conceivable that any advertisement will be served in exchange for a 'micropayment'; a small monetary fee for your attention and your data. In the meantime, we still have to wait for the first blockchain search engine or blockchain Facebook that is widely accepted by the public. But the technology is there. And the first pilots too. Faited facts and pilots with blockchain.